Friday, December 22, 2006
A Fat Kid Freaks Out On A RollerCoaster Ride(funny)
Thursday, December 21, 2006
Hold Them Accountable

Here is their e-mail address:
Pennsylvania Gaming Control Board
Express your opinion. These same panel members stood and had the gaul to give themselves a standing ovation for their hard work and decisions.
I am so disgusted I could puke. I wish some board members were near as I would throw up on them.
Shame on you. You are an embarrassment and disgrace to the state of
Tuesday, December 19, 2006
KK Shines at Holiday Shindig

Drunk Santa aka my boss who shall remain nameless here in cyberspace needed some help so I stepped in to emcee the entire event, for the most part. Anyone who knows me knows that I'm perfectly happy to do shit like this so it was no big deal.
So, I busted balls, cracked the entire crowd up, hammered my boss and a few select others and got solid props for making people laugh, which again, I love to do.
It was a lot of fun. Wah, wah, wah, wahhhhhhhhhhhh!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Pictured are (Left - KK, Santa and Jonathan Stone - Right). Hope to see everyone again next year. Same place, same time and hopefully, same atmosphere.
Happy Holidays to all and to all a good night.
Thursday, December 07, 2006
Dumbass Littlefield Strikes Again

A small amount of cash acquired in exchange for a rule 5 pick and the re-signing of a lefthanded reliever. While the Marte deal was good, GM Dave Littlefield failed again to acquire the lefthanded power bat the Buccos so desperately need.
It is so easy to lose interest in this team any really is.
Here is a great little nugget from an ESPN article:
Also, oddly enough, I saw another general manager at McDonald's: Pirates GM Dave Littlefield. He said Pittsburgh's ownership budgeted him only 20 bucks of expenses for the entire trip, so it's 99-cent McNuggets for breakfast, lunch and dinner all week. Poor guy. Although I suppose he's lucky he's even at the winter meetings. I'm surprised the league still bothers inviting the Pirates.
Thursday, November 02, 2006
Philly Sucks, But the Cheese Steaks are Good

I went to Philly/Sicklerville, NJ this past weekend to visit my little brother Khris and take in a hockey game. We watched happily as the Penguins beat the piss out of the hapless Flyers. The crowd was not as bad as expected, but as usual, Philly fans showed their asses early and often. The whole area (Jersey included) is filled with millions of miserable, mean and frustrated fans.
I had the privilege of getting a cheese steak from the owner of renowned Geno's Steak's, Joey Vento (pictured, left). I told him I wholeheartedly agreed with the stand he recently took on speaking English.
"The brash owner of Geno's Steaks has sparked new controversy after two weeks of nearly nonstop national attention for signs posted near his take-out window that declare: "This is AMERICA. WHEN ORDERING, 'SPEAK ENGLISH.' "
--Philadelphia Inquirer
To read more, click here.
I hope my next visit includes a trip to Geno's...............
p.s. Vento appreciated my support and gave me a pen......gotta love that.
Wednesday, October 18, 2006
Same Shit, Different Name

Word out of the Burgh is that Davenport will now be known as 'The Dump Truck.'
What's so funny about that you ask? Read below:
MIAMI — A woman is suing Green Bay Packers fullback Najeh Davenport. She says he invaded her privacy by breaking into her dorm room and defecating in her closet.
Mary McCarthy sued yesterday in a state court in Miami.
Criminal charges were settled in October 2002 when Davenport agreed to perform community service. He denied breaking into the Barry University dormitory.
Police say they were told that Davenport entered a dorm room at the small Catholic university in suburban Miami in the early morning hours of April 1.
Mary McCarthy says she was asleep in the room. She told police she was startled awake by a strange sound and saw a man squatting in her closet. Police said the man, later identified as Davenport, had defecated in her laundry basket.
So take a ride on the Dump Truck and watch your laundry baskets!
Wednesday, October 11, 2006
Blimp Benedict Arnold Surfaces in Fla.

EDITOR'S NOTE: Check out that combover.
Monday, September 25, 2006
Old Joe Pap Had The Shits

Thursday, September 21, 2006
Fat John Henry Comes to Florida

The manatee started last week and stayed with me the first few days. He was his usual lazy slob self and left the place worse than when he arrived. Pillows tossed around, blankets, lint in the laundry filter and such. I think he forgot that he was not the dictator as he was when I lived with him in Hell for a month in Ohio (Yes, it was that bad). But I handled the heffer with humble class.
Oh well, you can't teach a pig to be clean and this super swine ain't changing anytime soon.
However, Biskit and I are glad to have him in Florida and wish him well.
Tuesday, September 19, 2006
Rough Night in Jacksonville

What a boring game. That said, it was fun for the most part. It's obvious Big Ben was rusty, but it was still great to see him out there.
The Steelers will bounce back this week against a banged up Bengals squad.
Speaking of banged up, I was feeling fine at the game and the crowd was fun. I met a Jaguars fan and we had fun going back and forth.
I only had to let one guy know he was an asshole so that's not too bad. I'd definitely go to Jacksonville again, hopefully not to see a shutout.
Friday, September 15, 2006
Steelers vs. Jaguars: KK Live on Monday Night Football
Wednesday, August 23, 2006
KK B'Day in FLA

Gonna go to Giuseppe's Steel City Pizza in Port Orange Friday night to watch the Steelers take on the Eagles. Giuseppe's is a cool place and the owner is from western Pennsylvania. It's got a lot of flavor, and the food ain't bad either. I definitely recommend it to any Floridians.
All else is well as we inch closer to football season. Of course, it's almost September and the Pirates still haven't even won 50 games. Who cares? It's not even worth discussing.
Here's a picture of Biskit. She turned 3 months old August 20. She's a lot of fun, but potty training is still underway. I'd set progress at about 88%. That's all for now.
Monday, August 07, 2006
Biskit the Dog Comes to Florida

You can see her web site here.
She was given a clean bill of health today after a veterinary appointment here in New Smyrna Beach. Everyone loves her and she is adorable, despite numerous shits and squirts about the house.
Life is great so far after almost one month in the Sunshine State. I just moved into my new apartment (2 bedrooms, 1000 sq. ft) on Saturday. See it here.
NOTE: Click communities, then Lyme Stone Ranch.
Some amenities:
Sun drenched pool
Heated Spa
24-hour fitness center
Business center
Laundry care center
Car care center
Biskit and I live 5 miles from the Atlantic Ocean so we're beach bums. That rules! That's all for now, but rest assured we'll be back. We're a mile off I-95 so stop and visit.
Thursday, June 29, 2006
Iratefans Make the Paper; Combat Counterfeiters

So, we're big now. Read this:
But, as is the case with any good idea, thieves rush in:
Bogus Shirts Surface
PRESS RELEASE: June 29, 2006
CONTACT: Kraig A. Koelsch
(704) 608-9117
Imitated, but Never Duplicated
Various reports are surfacing from Pittsburgh that area opportunist vendors are trying to cash in on the brand. "It's not a bit surprising. When people see a good thing, they all want a part of it," said iratefans co-founder Kraig Koelsch.
The bogus shirts say Irate Fan, rather than the plural fans. One loyal iratefans supporter discussed the shirt with the vendor who quickly moved on. Also, the P on the shirt's front has fallen to halfway between IRATE and FAN, but is still upright and lacks the "tracer marks" of a genuine iratefans t-shirt. The skull with the crossbones has baseball stitching, but lacks the lower jaw. The upper bones are shadowed against baseball bats.
"True fans that became aware of who we are and what we stand for won't fall for this weak imitation. Thanks for the flattery, but there's a big difference between driving a Mercedes and bouncing in a Mitsubishi," he added. To ensure you have an official shirt, make sure you get it from the iratefans e-bay store.
Monday, June 19, 2006
Breaking News From the Breadline: KK Gets Job!

Thursday, June 15, 2006
Iratefans Gaining Steam

And today, I appeared on AOL's Sports Bloggers Live to trumpet The report will be online and available at 5 p.m. June 15 at the above link. Ironically, I was sandwiched in a three-guest lineup that included #1 Drew Carey, #2 KK and #3 Lucas Black, Star of Fast & Furious and QB in Friday Night Lights.
Those mentions, along with our appearence on WPXI-TV Channel 11 and the Pittsburgh Post-Gazette mean our cause is at least a valid one that people have interest in. And that is our goal. Expose these bums and get some change.
Keep it going gentlemen. Visit!
Monday, June 05, 2006
Iratefans Unite!

The group consisted of about 12 fans (a few didn't come into the game).
The minute we put our shirts on, the looks started. We were hanging out on the street at Firewaters North Shore Saloon & BBQ. We actually had a few people walk up to us and buy shirts, even though none were technically for sale.
Everyone who commented loved the idea. The owner of Firewaters, Jeffrey Joyce, was very receptive to our cause and welcomed our group. Jeff also offered a room for our next get together and some food at a good price. Thus, Firewaters is now the official bar of the Iratefans.
As we waited for WPXI to film us, everyone got a chance to meet each other. Many were acquainted via, but had never met in person.
As soon as WPXI came, we got even more looks and smiles as we were being filmed. As I entered the stadium, numerous double takes and comments were often heard.
In a nutshell, the cause is off and running and the news on the street is very good.
So get your shirt now and join the cause. We'll be planning Game no. 2 very soon.
-Kraig A. Koelsch
Thursday, May 25, 2006
Congrats to my Brother Khris

Sharp first grade teacher Barbara Phillips and Middle School special education teacher Kris Koelsch, pictured here with Superintendent of Schools James Bathurst were honored as teachers of the year for 2005-2006 at Collingswood Public Schools in New Jersey.
A funny note, the nice copy editor didn't even bother to spell the kid's name right. It's Khris you dumbass! Oh well, major props for what he goes through every day. How bout that picture? They need to learn the term Photoshop. Perhaps Khris's pal Doug 'Fat Ass, Smashmouth, Dr. Teeth' Graham could give them an assist there. However, I believe he ate his copy of Photoshop.
Anyway, Bravo Khris. I owe you a beer. Get it soon though, the breadline cometh: 27 work days!
Tuesday, May 16, 2006
Do a Dance of Joy

That's right, KK and crew get to pound salt for 4 more worthless days in their extremely deadended job. Yes, that's right, the count is back up to 32 days til the line of pigs, scum, filth and bums.
I'll have extra cheese if anyone needs some. Just let me know.
Now, who knows where I can find some cheap beer post June 30? Bud Light preferred.
Friday, May 12, 2006
I'm Just Poundin' Salt in a Dead-Ender

Oh I'm just pounding salt in a dead-ender, a dead-ender, a dead-ender.
I'm just pounding salt in a dead-ender, a dead-ender today.
A dead-ender to stay.
Catchy little stupid ass tune isn't it? Well, 30 days til the breadline for us and the weather sucks, my back hurts and I have a cold. Only one thing left to do then this weekend, get drunk. Moving out of my apartment next weekend so I have to finish packing this weekend as well. That is always such a joy. Oh well, I will soon be amongst the masses of filth collecting unemployment and waking up at noon every day. Anyone know where you can golf cheap? And finally, kudos to Joe White, newest member of our softball team. Not known for his defensive prowess, Big Joe actually brought the wrong glove into the field. Maybe that's why two balls sailed by him with not so much as a wave. But, he does have a big bat. Joe, our new EH.
Thursday, May 04, 2006
Breadline Countdown = 36 Work Days

Oh the joy of pounding salt in a deadend job. So I figured it was time to update my blog. People working from home, people with a sick dog, I keep eating and drinking like a hog. The breadline is coming, coming very fast, I sure wish the workload I have now would last. Oh well, we move along anyway.
Monday, May 01, 2006
KK Survives Drunk Dave Weekend Scare

It was all smooth sailing from there, until Drunk Dave started doing shots. He was constantly bitching about the Columbus smoking ban and had to go out to the smoker's porch. While there, he got into numerous spats with guys 10+ years younger than him. In the end, Mike and I had to get him outta there and he was almost jumped by 5 guys staring him down as he stumbled across the parking lot. We finished the draft at BW3 and then went home. Drunk Dave 'blacked out' at this point and naturally remembers nothing. His famous motto of "If you don't remember, it didn't happen" comes into play here. He was loud, obnoxious, foul and a little destructive at my house, but Amy (his girlfriend) and myself refused to go out with him. So, he drank all my beer and eventually passed out around 4 a.m. And this ends another story in the 37-year-old life of Drunk Dave.
Thursday, April 27, 2006
Break it on Down!

Drunk Dave countdown = 1 day.
Breadline countdown = 41 work days.
Drunk Dave is an old ass bitch for those who have not had the privilege of meeting him.
Is that him dancing?
At least tomorrow is pay day.
Wednesday, April 26, 2006
LOOK OUT: Drunk Dave Headed to Columbus

The drunk and gal pal Amy 'Heh Heh Heh' Hentgen will be arrving late Friday night to my crib. Saturday is NFL Draft day so it will be a booze bash to remember. I am frightened already.
We, however, won't have any of "the least you could do is buy us dinner bullshit." That act was pulled before and is very tiresome. That said, I still love Drunk Dave (in a non-faggot way---per Bubba The Love Sponge) and look forward to the visit. Plus, the Super Bowl Champion Pittsburgh Steelers will be getting a top player to further their charge.
Meet the Beetlejuice Family

Where else could you find a link to such a wonderful video in which you meet Beet's mother and sister Erika?
Everyone loves Beetlejuice. His official Web site can be found here.
Again, here is the video.
Tuesday, April 25, 2006
Finally: Cindy Margolis MILF Exposed

Some have said she's too old, BS I say. I look forward to seeing even more of her beauty. She's had three kids for God's sake. You go girl.
From AP article
Cindy Margolis, known as the "Most Downloaded Woman" on the Internet, is following up her win on "Celebrity Cooking Showdown" with a career first — posing nude for Playboy.The mother of three told The Associated Press that she finally agreed to pose for the magazine when they called on her 40th birthday.
Monday, April 24, 2006
Now That's a Buckeye I Like

Here is the link again to make sure you FOUND IT.
Thursday, April 20, 2006
The Salt Mine Saga Continues

The countdown is ticking and the salt is still being pounded by the grunts here at work. We have 46 days til we hit the breadline. I'm pretty bored, but am still doing my job and all that is required. That said, I'm glad the end is near. A fresh start is always good. After all, nobody likes pounding salt in a deadend job. Where the hell is Drunk Dave? Probably getting all boozed up. The lush says he's coming for a visit on NFL Draft weekend, but I won't hold my breath. Plus, it's expensive when he comes as my paying the tab is the "least I can do."
Monday, April 17, 2006
We Brought Home a Winner!

Tuesday, April 11, 2006
Home Opener Hell

My favorite quote came from Michael Keaton, who threw out the first pitch.
"I fear they will take advantage of the good will of the people who continue to show up," Keaton said of the Pirates. "For my money, that's disrespectful. At some point, you either have to write the check or do something and not assume, well, we're OK and, ultimately, the franchise is valuable, anyway, like Donald Sterling did with the Los Angeles Clippers."
I couldn't agree more. You go Batman!
Thursday, April 06, 2006
Grizzly Sounds Off, 'Will You Sit on my Pizza?'

Good times at an otherwise filthy place.
Tuesday, March 28, 2006
Just Poundin' Salt, Off to Charlotte

63 work days til the breadline and counting as I pound salt in my deadend job. The thanks I get for uprooting after 6 1/2 years in Charlotte to come to Columbus to work.
Thanks for everything.
Oh well, Team Koelsch will rebound just fine. Heading to Charlotte this weekend for Fat Buzza's wedding reception. The slob was married in Vegas, but is having a party for those who couldn't make it this weekend. In true Buzza style, the event doesn't take place until 3 p.m. on Sunday, as to accommodate his redneck friends from the Rock Hill trash bar The Long Branch.
Oh well. Drunk Dave will be a no show. Many other slobs will attend though so it should be fun.
Sunday, March 26, 2006
March Madness: PITT Focus

What a tournament it's been. Yes, my PITT Panthers shit the bed and lost to Bradley, but they will be back. Head Coach Jamie Dixon signed a long contract extension through 2013 (which is huge) and they return 8 of 10 starters. A solid recurting class can be finalized if the Panthers can land 6-7 forward Tyler Smith.
Smith is a highly touted player out of Hargrave (Va.) Military Academy. Smith's finalists reportedly are Pitt, Memphis, Kentucky and Iowa.
Smith would join heralded recruit Gilbert Brown, a 6-foot-6 swingman from Harrisburg who played at South Kent (Ct.) Prep. Brown says he can't wait to arrive for summer sessions. He believes he can add some of the things he saw Pitt lacking in its NCAA Tournament loss to Bradley.
All that said, it's been a great tournament with some very exciting games. Props to George Mason, Wichita State and many others. Go Big East.
Wednesday, March 22, 2006
Golden Tee Live, J. Filthy's and Rot Gut

A little slow getting up this a.m. after an after-work get together at Columbus dive and cigarette pit J. Linsey's. It's actually a cool place, but the smoke sucks, even though it's illegal.
Oh well, the Bud Light was cold and fresh, made March 13. A definite advantage of living in Columbus, home to an Anheuser-Busch brewery, which I still haven't toured.
Played some Golden Tee Live, which is a money-making slut, but it's fun. Then mauled Chinese with LT, who developed rot gut and was close to shitting his pants.
Tuesday, March 21, 2006
Snow a Sham and a Virus Scam
Well, our 4-6 inches of forecasted snow turned into a scattered dusting, if you want to call it that. The first day of Spring in Dublin was chilly, but otherwise very uneventful. My laptop got a nasty virus last night and it is being worked on by our tech guys. They do a great job so hopefully, I'll have it back tonight. No idea how I got it or where it came from, but it was not good.
Looking forward to the NCAA tourney this weekend. Have tickets to the Blue Jackets game Friday night so that should be fun too. Hoops afterward.
68 days til the breadline for those keeping track.
Looking forward to the NCAA tourney this weekend. Have tickets to the Blue Jackets game Friday night so that should be fun too. Hoops afterward.
68 days til the breadline for those keeping track.
Monday, March 20, 2006
Snow in Ohio and 24

Supposed to get 3-5 inches between tonight and Tuesday a.m. here in Dublin, Oh. Able to work at home if need be so that's good. I've got all I need so let it snow.
As for tonight, my favorite TV show, 24, is on. Elisha Cuthbert is back as Kim Bauer, daughter of super CTU agent Jack Bauer aka Kiefer Sutherland. She is so hot.
They have her dating some fag shrink on the show now. She needs to lose the douche real fast.
Sunday, March 19, 2006
St. Patty's Day Massacre
Wow. I've been at it for three straight days and Saturday was recovery day. Hoops all day long. St. Patty's Day was a blast, but way too long.
I need to detox myself for a few days, but this March Madness stuff isn't helping.
PITT takes on Bradley in a bit for a berth in the Sweet 16. I like the Panthers' chance here and feel they legitimately have a shot to end up in Indianapolis for the Final 4.
One game at a time.
I need to detox myself for a few days, but this March Madness stuff isn't helping.
PITT takes on Bradley in a bit for a berth in the Sweet 16. I like the Panthers' chance here and feel they legitimately have a shot to end up in Indianapolis for the Final 4.
One game at a time.
Saturday, March 04, 2006
Super Bowl Guarantee

I bragged to my buddies that if the Steelers made it to the big game, that I'd go. This shouldn't really come as a surprise to anyone that knows me as I'm a diehard nutcase fan. But here nonetheless is proof. You see a drunken Kraig with three chins, but I'm still inside Ford Field for the big game.
You can see the XL logo on the field if you look close enough. It was on the 25-30 yd line. My seat was at about the 38-40 yd line, in club level section 332, row 4. AWESOME!
Friday, March 03, 2006
Pirates off to quick start
Well it's certainly early, but I'm pleased with the progression of the young Buccos. 3-0 following wins over the Nats (2) and Manatee CC.
The young nucleus seems energized by new manager Jim Tracy. Fundamentals will be crucial to this lot. The previous regime never seemed to figure that out.
The young nucleus seems energized by new manager Jim Tracy. Fundamentals will be crucial to this lot. The previous regime never seemed to figure that out.
Thursday, March 02, 2006
NFL Screws Itself
Well, talks have broken down and now the NFL's Labor holiday appears over after 13 years. Sad to see. Who knows how far they will fall.
To read more, click here.
To read more, click here.
Wednesday, March 01, 2006
Happy March
Been awhile since my last post. Lots going on, including my impending layoff. Just a little under a year and a half after relocating...this sucks. But, we press on.
Sunday, February 12, 2006
Here we go----welcome to the world of KK
Everyone else has a blog, so I might as well join in too. Here's to the first post!
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