Oh I'm just pounding salt in a dead-ender, a dead-ender, a dead-ender.
I'm just pounding salt in a dead-ender, a dead-ender today.
A dead-ender to stay.
Catchy little stupid ass tune isn't it? Well, 30 days til the breadline for us and the weather sucks, my back hurts and I have a cold. Only one thing left to do then this weekend, get drunk. Moving out of my apartment next weekend so I have to finish packing this weekend as well. That is always such a joy. Oh well, I will soon be amongst the masses of filth collecting unemployment and waking up at noon every day. Anyone know where you can golf cheap? And finally, kudos to Joe White, newest member of our softball team. Not known for his defensive prowess, Big Joe actually brought the wrong glove into the field. Maybe that's why two balls sailed by him with not so much as a wave. But, he does have a big bat. Joe, our new EH.
wish that i could help you get your shit together for your move. keep your head up.
I love your website. It has a lot of great pictures and is very informative.
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