It's been awhile since my last blog. The NFL Draft is in the books. I like most of what the Steelers did but no. 2 pick Jason Worilds will be the true caveat. Great series win for the Pens and I enjoyed some dinner and drinks with my friend Harry over the weekend. However, it was all about to change. When I first moved in, I had an accident and didn't think that much of it. My brother Khris and I were carrying my big screen TV and I was walking backwards. I tripped over a high curb and went down but caught the TV. I felt a tweak in my leg but kept going. Well a few weeks passed and I felt some pain but left it go. I took some pills two weekend's ago and that seemed to help. Well, last Thursday the pain and discomfort came back. I took it easy all weekend but it continued. Sunday was unbearable and I finally got to the doctor this a.m. After x-rays and an MRI, I was diagnosed with:
1.) Partial PCL tear
2.) Large joint effusion
3.) Partial medial meniscus tear
So, I'm hobbling around awaiting an appointment with an orthopedic surgeon later this week. It's ironic as I have never even broken a bone. So with this, I guess I was long overdue. There goes my hopes of finding a softball team for the season. Oh well. Until later my friends, take care and Let's Go Pens!