Sunday, May 20, 2007

Progress and Relaunch of Iratefans

The house is really coming along nicely. The roof is finished and electrical wiring begins. Windows are to arrive within a week and then they will drywall the place. After that, it's smooth sailing and I am ready to leave apartment life for good.

Here is a picture of my kitchen and garage. The door opens into the garage.

I've already met a neighbor who will let Biskit out for me while I'm working and that is huge. I have a great view of a wooded area in my backyard and I look out into some beautiful old trees from my master bedroom.

The tentative closing date remains end of June/early July which is perfect as my lease is up end of July.

We're revving up again as the shitful Pirates are back at it again.

It's really a damn shame how bad this team is year after year and the entire organization is run extremely poorly. There is no accountability whatsoever.

For those looking for a forum to vent, I offer the fastest-growing Bucs site on the net,

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

The Pirates are dead.

Long live the Suckaneers.