A good time was had by all, especially Fat Robert who pillaged, boozed and mauled for a day and a half without even leaving so much as a dime to compensate Bradley and I for our $150 grocery bill.
Fat Robert mauled lasagna, an entire can of easy cheese, half a box of crackers, cereal, bacon and eggs, chips, tacos and a few pieces of cheesecake.
The cow also split half a bottle of my Grey Goose vodka with Lonely John Henry and drank half of my 18 pack of Bud Light.
What a lowly tightass. Oh well, karma will bite him in his fat ass.
Dave the Seal aka Fat Bradley remains for the week and will be doing some sightseeing and getting some much-needed rest and relaxation away from his hopefully soon-to-be ex-wife Angie aka Richard Tator.
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