Sharp first grade teacher Barbara Phillips and Middle School special education teacher Kris Koelsch, pictured here with Superintendent of Schools James Bathurst were honored as teachers of the year for 2005-2006 at Collingswood Public Schools in New Jersey.
A funny note, the nice copy editor didn't even bother to spell the kid's name right. It's Khris you dumbass! Oh well, major props for what he goes through every day. How bout that picture? They need to learn the term Photoshop. Perhaps Khris's pal Doug 'Fat Ass, Smashmouth, Dr. Teeth' Graham could give them an assist there. However, I believe he ate his copy of Photoshop.
Anyway, Bravo Khris. I owe you a beer. Get it soon though, the breadline cometh: 27 work days!