Thursday, June 29, 2006

Iratefans Make the Paper; Combat Counterfeiters

So, we're big now. Read this:

But, as is the case with any good idea, thieves rush in:

Bogus Shirts Surface
PRESS RELEASE: June 29, 2006
CONTACT: Kraig A. Koelsch
(704) 608-9117

Imitated, but Never Duplicated

Various reports are surfacing from Pittsburgh that area opportunist vendors are trying to cash in on the brand. "It's not a bit surprising. When people see a good thing, they all want a part of it," said iratefans co-founder Kraig Koelsch.

The bogus shirts say Irate Fan, rather than the plural fans. One loyal iratefans supporter discussed the shirt with the vendor who quickly moved on. Also, the P on the shirt's front has fallen to halfway between IRATE and FAN, but is still upright and lacks the "tracer marks" of a genuine iratefans t-shirt. The skull with the crossbones has baseball stitching, but lacks the lower jaw. The upper bones are shadowed against baseball bats.

"True fans that became aware of who we are and what we stand for won't fall for this weak imitation. Thanks for the flattery, but there's a big difference between driving a Mercedes and bouncing in a Mitsubishi," he added. To ensure you have an official shirt, make sure you get it from the iratefans e-bay store.


Monday, June 19, 2006

Breaking News From the Breadline: KK Gets Job!

Yes, it's true. Team KK saved himself from the storied and popular breadline. I've accepted a new position as ESPN Project Manager at XOS Technologies, Inc. in 'Fred G.' Sanford, Florida. I'm really excited to start a new career path and XOS is just beginning to blow up. I think it's a great fit for both myself and the company. My first day is July 17 and I'll be in corporate housing for the first month so I have no address as of yet. My phone number remains the same if you need to reach me. Here is the product I'll manage. And now, the former breadline countdown has changed to the goldmine countdown.

Thursday, June 15, 2006

Iratefans Gaining Steam

Well, we've reached some serious eyes and ears and now have a few new editions to our cause. I submitted our plight to Deadspin and they loved it. Also, Baseball Prospectus was kind enough to make reference to our McClatchy Line term, which, for those who don't know, means .a .500 record in Major League Baseball.

And today, I appeared on AOL's Sports Bloggers Live to trumpet The report will be online and available at 5 p.m. June 15 at the above link. Ironically, I was sandwiched in a three-guest lineup that included #1 Drew Carey, #2 KK and #3 Lucas Black, Star of Fast & Furious and QB in Friday Night Lights.

Those mentions, along with our appearence on WPXI-TV Channel 11 and the Pittsburgh Post-Gazette mean our cause is at least a valid one that people have interest in. And that is our goal. Expose these bums and get some change.

Keep it going gentlemen. Visit!

Monday, June 05, 2006

Iratefans Unite!

The first gathering of Iratefans gathered Saturday to watch the Pirates take on the Padres. We survived a nasty lightning storm and saw the Bucs beat the Padres 6-4.

The group consisted of about 12 fans (a few didn't come into the game).

The minute we put our shirts on, the looks started. We were hanging out on the street at Firewaters North Shore Saloon & BBQ. We actually had a few people walk up to us and buy shirts, even though none were technically for sale.

Everyone who commented loved the idea. The owner of Firewaters, Jeffrey Joyce, was very receptive to our cause and welcomed our group. Jeff also offered a room for our next get together and some food at a good price. Thus, Firewaters is now the official bar of the Iratefans.

As we waited for WPXI to film us, everyone got a chance to meet each other. Many were acquainted via, but had never met in person.

As soon as WPXI came, we got even more looks and smiles as we were being filmed. As I entered the stadium, numerous double takes and comments were often heard.

In a nutshell, the cause is off and running and the news on the street is very good.

So get your shirt now and join the cause. We'll be planning Game no. 2 very soon.

-Kraig A. Koelsch