Well the Bucs might have lost but I saw some good things today.
The following are random thoughts after the Bucco loss:
First, Ian Snell's velocity was impressive. Sitting there seeing him hit 96 mph consistently was awesome. And when he missed with a pitch, it wasn't by much.
Tony Armas Jr. looked good, but nothing like Snell.
Brad Eldred (pictured above) can hit. Eldred is also a liability in the field. The picture was take right before his home run.
Jose Castillo is skinny. Real skinny.
How long until we consistently hear Bixler calls when Jack shits the bed this year at the plate in the no. 2 hole? Nice, solid stroke on the HR today.
Many people commented on my Iratefans shirt....all positive, including many Braves fans.
Dave Littlefield was laughing and joking with people for most of the game and appeared to be writing a decent amount. He was also frequently on the phone.
Carlos Maldonado may weigh 300 pounds.....in his legs alone.
The pitchers were to blame for the stolen bases (on Einar Diaz), but every throw Diaz made also seemed to bounce to the bag, and also into centerfield.
Why is Adam LaRoche no. 96? I know it will change but still, why?
Neil Walker showed better discipline (minus the K), but he looked awful on the line drive that went over him. He has a ways to go. But that's OK.
Decent amount of Bucs fans at Disney complex today.
Lots of Only Bucs Network admins (crusty and old codgers) at the game.
If you are a baseball fan and have never been to spring training, you're missing a real experience.
That's all for now...