Monday, April 28, 2008

Smyrna Sharks Biting Big-Time!

This is what happens in my back yard.

New Smyrna Beach in Volusia County, Fla., is the shark attack capital of the world, according to a database called the International Shark Attack File. Each year, thousands of people dip their toes and then jump in, stroking past the surf and into a zone that's literally thick with sharks.

“Most people who have swum in and around New Smyrna have been within 10 feet of a shark in their lifetime,” says George Burgess, an ichthyologist and fisheries biologist at the University of Florida who maintains the International Shark Attack File (ISAF).

To read more of the MSNBC article, click here.

Thursday, April 24, 2008

World of KK Returns

So postings have been few and far between here these days and there are a variety of reasons for that. The main reason being work and the fact that I've traveled more this year professionally than ever before.

That's OK and it's fun. I have trips upcoming to Chicago and Dallas. I'll finally get to see a game at Wrigley Field. That will be very cool.

Uncle Sam took a bite out of me this year and I'm still recovering. What a great tax system we have. Thank God our fearless leader is giving us a $600 'rebate.' In my take, it's a fucking cash advance that will most certainly end up costing each of us in the long run.

The Pirates season is already over in April but what the hell else is new? I'm so glad I didn't waste my time or money on them this year. It will be two years in a row for my attending games boycott. Any of you who know me know how hard that is for a diehard fan but enough is enough.

I'm looking forward to a visit from my parents in May and I'm hoping to take my first long vacation of the year this August.

Until we meet again, back to the salt mine I go, pick axe in hand.